Yeah, areeing with the others
Well, the people below are right, there`s no pratical plot, the events went by to fast as well, but I`m sure you`ll do better as you progress...
For example, you could`ve:
-Shown Retro Sonics shadow instead of his whole body, to add some suspense
-Make events before a battle go slower than what just happened in there, it could also add suspense
Now, in future episodes, you could:
-Add a menu like in the FF series, looks more appealing
-Make the "Engage Battle" text just stay on the screen for a total of 5 seconds, if you're gonna keep using that, 'cause I thought the "Engage Battle" text for the Mecha Sonic battle lasted to long
But you DO get 5 stars for trying, and that's all some people could ever ask for